
These are commands used in Scripting.InvokeCommand(), Window.InvokeCommand() methods, and Advanced commands in Command Bar Buttons.
ScriptingCommands can be passed to those methods as a string (ex "GoBack") or its number (0).
Commands marked with * can be used typically with Scripting.InvokeCommand().

Command Number Arguments Return value Remarks *
GoBack 0 (arg1) (optional) Number of history items to skip.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
GoForward 1 (arg1) (optional) Number of history items to skip
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
GoBackToFirst 2 (optional) Target view of the command. -
GoForwardToLast 3 (optional) Target view of the command. -
NewTab 4 (arg1) A path string or a QCollection object that contains folder paths.
(arg2) (optional) True if want to open in background.
(arg3) (optional) Target view of the command.
First Tab object. *
NewWindow 5 (arg1) A path string or a QCollection object that contains folder paths.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Window object. *
OpenInPlace 6 (arg1) A path string.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
BrowseFolder 7 (arg1) (optional) Initial folder path to be displayed in the dialog.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Tab object. *
BrowseFolderAndOpenNew 8 (arg1) (optional) Initial folder path to be displayed in the dialog.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Window object. *
GoUpOneLevel 9 (optional) Target view of the command. -
SearchFolder 10 - Tab object. Open a search folder in new tab. See Search command. *
Group 11 (arg1) A group name string or QCollection object that contains group names to open.
(arg2) (optional) A Boolean value that indicates whether opens the groups in new window.
(arg3) (optional) Target view of the command.
Window object. *
ReplaceByGroup 12 (arg1) Group name to open.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
- *
SetActiveTab 13 ID value or Tab object to set active. Tab object.
ActivateTabByIndex 14 (arg1) 0 based index of tab.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Tab object.
ActivateRecentTab 15 (optional) Target view of the command. Tab object.
UndoClosedTab 16 (optional) Target view of the command. Tab object.
RestoreTabs 17 - First Tab object. Restores in all the view. *
SwapTabs 18 (arg1) True to swap the current tab with its next tab. Otherwise swaps with previous tab.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
CloneTab 19 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to be cloned. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) True to clone without activating it.
Tab object.
LockTab 20 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to lock. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) True to unlock.
IsTabLocked 21 ID value or Tab object to check whether locked. -1 or null then active tab. True if the tab is locked. null if failed.
CloseTab 22 ID value or Tab object to close. -1 or null then active tab. Count of tab.
CloseAllButOne 23 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to leave. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command if -1 or null is passed to arg1.
CloseLeftRight 24 (arg1) True then close left, false to close right.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Command Number Arguments Return value Remarks *
CloseWindow 25 - - Tries to close the window.
SetWindowTopmost 26 (optional) True to set the window no-topmost. -
IsWindowTopmost 27 - True if the window is topmost.
Maximize 28 - -
Minimize 29 - -
WindowState 30 - WindowState enumeration.
Restore 31 - -
MinimizeToTasktray 32 (optional) True to restore from task tray. -
IsWindowInTasktray 33 - True if the window is in task tray.
MergeAllWindows 34 - -
MaximizeHorizontaly 35 - -
SetWindowTransparency 36 Alpha value, 20 - 255. 255 then full opaque. -
SetFocusTo 37 FocusableWindow enumeration, string or its number. -
ShowToolbar 38 (arg1) Toolbar enumeration, string or its number.
(arg2) True to show the toolbar. False to hide toolbar.
ShrinkToolbar 39 Toolbar enumeration, string or its number. -
ExpandToolbar 40 Toolbar enumeration, string or its number. -
IsToolbarVisible 41 Toolbar enumeration, string or its number. True if the toolbar is visible.
ToggleTabBarUpDown 42 - True if top tabbar is available.
GetWindowText 43 - Window text string.
GetCurrentPath 44 - Current path string.
GetTabText 45 ID value or Tab object to get the text. -1 or null then active tab. Tab text.
GetTabPath 46 ID value or Tab object to get the path. -1 or null then active tab. Tab path.
CreateGroup 47 (arg1) (optional) A path string or a QCollection object that contains folder paths.
(arg2) (optional) A name string.
A name string of created group.
CreateGroupFromTab 48 (arg1) ID value or Tab object. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) New group name.
(arg3) (optional) True to add all the tabs.
A name string of new group if created.
CreateApplicationLauncher 49 (arg1) A QCollection object, that contains name, path, (optional) arguments, and (optional) working directory strings, in this order.
(arg2) (optional) True to overwrite if an application launcher exists with the same name.
A name string of created application launcher. The name of application launcher can be a path from application root. (ex. Tools\Editor\NotePad )
Command Number Arguments Return value Remarks *
GetApplicationLauncher 50 A name string of application launcher. A QCollection object that contains launcher information. Empty if fail. The name of application launcher can be a path from application root. *
LaunchApplication 51 (arg1) A name string of application launcher to execute.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
- The name of application launcher can be a path from application root.
arg2 is ignored if used with Scripting object.
DeleteApplicationLauncher 52 A name string of application launcher. - The name of application launcher can be a path from application root.
CreateLibrary 53 (arg1) A path string or a QCollection object that contains folder paths.
(arg2) (optional) Name of new library item.
(arg3) (optional) A Boolean value indicating whether folders are added to a existing library.
A name string of the library.
CreateLibraryFromTab 54 (arg1) ID value or Tab object.
(arg2) (optional) Name of library item. An item will be created if the library does not exit.
(arg3) (optional) True to add all tabs.
A name string of the library.
Search 55 String to search under the current folder. -
Filter 56 (arg1) String to filter items in the current folder.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command. None (-1) then all the view.
- Available only when the Button Bar and Filter Box is enabled to filter in the defaut view.
AddressBar in the ExtraView is required to filter in extra views.
GetClipboard 57 - String if the clipboard has data in text formats. Otherwise, null. *
SetClipboard 58 String to be set to the clipboard. - *
SetClipboardSelectionPaths 59 (optional) Target view of the command. - Copy paths of selected items in the view.
SetClipboardSelectionNames 60 (optional) Target view of the command. - Copy names of selected items in the view.
SetClipboardCurrentPath 61 (optional) Target view of the command. - Copy the current path of the view.
SetClipboardCurrentName 62 (optional) Target view of the command. - Copy the current folder name of the view.
SetClipboardSelectionHashes 63 (optional) Target view of the command. - Calculates hash of the selected files and set to clipboard.
SetClipboardAllTabPaths 64 (optional) Target view of the command. None (-1) then all the tabs in all the view. - Copy the all tab paths.
CopyToTab 65 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to which the selected files in the view are copied. Pass -1 or null to show a dialog to choose target.
(arg2) (optional) Source view of the command.
MoveToTab 66 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to which the selected files in the view are moved. Pass -1 or null to show a dialog to choose target.
(arg2) (optional) Source view of the command.
CreateLinkInTab 67 (arg1) ID value or Tab object where shortcut files of the selected files in the view are created. Pass -1 or null to show a dialog to choose target.
(arg2) (optional) Source view of the command.
CopyFromFolder 68 (arg1) (optional) ID or Tab object to specify initial folder of the file browser dialog.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
- Copies in the active view.
MoveFromFolder 69 (arg1) (optional) ID or Tab object to specify initial folder of the file browser dialog.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
- Moves to the active view.
LinkFromFolder 70 (arg1) (optional) ID or Tab object to specify initial folder of the file browser dialog.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
- Links are created in the active view.
CreateNewFolder 71 (arg1) (optional) Name or full path string of new folder. See Remarks.
(arg2) (optional) True to open created folder in new tab.
(arg3) (optional) Target view of the command.
Tab object if arg2 is true. Otherwise, path string of new folder. arg1 can be full path "c:\foo\bar", relative to current folder "foo\bar" or "bar", and relative to current drive "\foo\bar". *
CreateNewFile 72 (arg1) (optional) New file name to be created. See Remarks.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
(arg3) (optional) Boolean value indicating whether to forbid overwriting existing file.
A path string of new file. arg1 can be full path "c:\foo\bar.ext", relative to current folder "foo\bar.ext" or "bar.ext", and relative to current drive "\foo\bar.ext". *
ShowProperties 73 A path string or ID value or Tab object to show the properties window. Current folder if null. - *
DeleteSelectedFiles 74 (arg1) (optional) True to delete selected files permanently.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Command Number Arguments Return value Remarks *
RenameTab 75 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to be renamed. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) A string, name of the tab. Dialog is displayed if null.
DeleteTab 76 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to delete the folder. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) True to delete permanently.
ClipboardTab 77 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to copy to clipboard. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) (optional) True to cut the folder.
ComputeFileHash 78 (arg1) A file path string to compute the hash.
(arg2) (optional) hash algorithm. 0: MD5, 1: SHA1, 2: SHA256, 3: SHA384, 4: SHA512
Hash string. This command might block the scripting thread for a while, especially large file. *
Run 79 (arg1) A path string or a QCollection object that contains path, (optional) arguments, (optional) working directory string, in this order. Keywords (%f%, %d%, etc.) are replaced like Application Launcher items.
(arg2) (optional) WindowStyle enumeration, string or its number, indicating the appearance of the program's window. Note that not all programs make use of this information.
(arg3) (optional) Boolean value indicating whether the script should wait for the program to finish executing before continuing to the next statement in your script.
(arg4) (optional) Target view of the command.
0 if successful. Otherwise error code. The script may not wait for the application termination
even if (arg3) is true, especially when (arg1) specifies
not an executable file but a document file and no new
process is launched.
GetCurrentView 80 (optional) Target view of the command. FolderViewMode enumeration
SetCurrentView 81 (arg1) FolderViewMode enumeration, string or its number.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Export 82 (optional) File path string. - Exports current settings to xml file.
Import 83 (optional) File path string. - Imports settings from a xml file.
Option 84 (optional) Index of tab in the Option window to be activated. -
Rename 85 (arg1) Path string of target file or folder.
(arg2) Desired name.
(arg3) (optional) Detailed option of renaming, FileOperations enumeration
New name. If you want to start renaming in the view, see StartRename command. *
SelectFromCursor 86 (arg1) (optional)True to select items above the focused item.
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
- Selects all items below/above the focused item in the folder view.
Evaluate 87 (arbitrary number of arguments) Returns the first evaluation result of arguments which results in non-null.
EvaluateAll 88 (arbitrary number of arguments) Evaluates all arguments and returns the last result. Always returns null used in script files.
Condition 89 (arg1) An object which is parsed as a Boolean value after evaluation.
(arg2) An object which is evaluated only when arg1 is true.
(arg3) An object which is evaluated only when arg1 is false.
Result of evaluation.
Negative 90 (arg1) An object which is parsed as a Boolean value after evaluation. Returns arg1 negated. Character "!" can be used in Command Button.
GetData 91 (arg1) An index of slot to get data from. Data object in the data slot. Data slot is managed by explorer window.
SetData 92 (arg1)Data object to set. (arg2)An index of data slot. -
Alert 93 String to be displayed in the alert box. - *
MessageBox 94 (arg1)String to be displayed in the message box.
(arg2) (optional) MessageBoxButtons enumeration to specify which button is displayed.
(arg3) (optional) MessageBoxIcon enumeration to specify which icon is displayed.
DialogResult enumeration that user select. *
InputBox 95 (arg1)String to be displayed in the input box.
(arg2) (optional)String to be set in the textbox.
(arg3) (optional)Boolean value indicating whether to use password character, typically "*".
user input string. *
PlaySound 96 Full path to a wav file to play or SystemSound enumeration. - *
RefreshIconCache 97 - - Clears shell icon cache. *
RefreshFolderSettings 98 - - Clears view settings saved per folder. *
SetHiddenFileVisible 99 Boolean value indicating whether to display hidden files in the folder view. - *
Command Number Arguments Return value Remarks *
SetSuperHiddenFileVisible 100 Boolean value indicating whether to display hidden and system files in the folder view. - *
IsHiddenFileVisible 101 - True if hidden files are visible. *
IsSuperHiddenFileVisible 102 - True if hidden and system files are visible. *
Sort 103 (arg1) String to specify the column to be sorted in the folder view, or index value in the current columns (0 based).
(arg2) (optional) -1 descending, 1 ascending. 0 then toggle.
(arg3) (optional) Target view of the command.
- Columns can be specified by the canonical names (e.g. "System.ItemNameDisplay") or localized names (e.g. "Name").
NoOp 104 - - Does nothing.
In Command Bar, drop-down buttons with this command behave as if a folder and accept dropping of other command buttons to make them child items.
SaveDesktopIconPos 105 (optional) File path. - *
LoadDesktopIconPos 106 (optional) File path. - *
DeleteMRU 107 ShellMRU enumeration - *
PasteInto 108 (optional) Target view of the command. - Paste files in the clipboard to selected folders in the folder view.
EvaluateByModifierKeys 109 (arbitrary number of arguments) An argument object evaluated. Which argument is evaluated is determined by the combination of pressed modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt). (none)->1, Ctrl->2, Shift->3, Ctrl + Shift ->4, Alt->5, Ctrl + Alt->6, Shift + Alt->7, Ctrl + Shift + Alt->8. *
GetModifierKeys 110 - A combination of ModifierKeys enumerations. Returns states of Ctrl, Shift, and Alt key. *
GetSort 111 (arg1) Type of the value to get.
0: localized column name
1: canonical name
2: index value in the current columns
(arg2) (optional) Target view of the command.
Sorted column.
GetSortDirection 112 (optional) Target view of the command. -1 descending, 1 ascending. 0 then not sorted.
SetViewSync 113 ViewSynchronizationLevel enumeration - Starts view synchronization.
GetViewSync 114 - ViewSynchronizationLevel enumeration that represents current synchronization state.
GetFocusedView 115 - View that currently has focus.
GetOtherView 116 - The opposite view from the focused view. This follows the view priority setting of the user. None (-1) when no fucused view.
GetFocusedViewPath 117 - Path string of the focused view.
GetOtherViewPath 118 - Path string of the opposite view from the focused view. Null when no view has focus.
GetViewPath 119 Target view of the command. Path string of the view.
GetSearchText 120 - Text in the search box of the window.
ShowRenameDialog 121 (optional) Target view of the command. -
MoveTabToView 122 (arg1) ID value or Tab object to be moved. -1 or null then active tab.
(arg2) View where the specified tab move to.
(arg3) True to copy not move.
- Moves or copies the specified tab to other view.
CopyFile 123 (arg1) A path string or QColloction object that contains paths of files to copy.
(arg2) Target folder path.
(arg3)(optional) A combination of one or more of FileOperationOptions enumeration values.
- *
MoveFile 124 (arg1) A path string or QColloction object that contains paths of files to move.
(arg2) Target folder path.
(arg3)(optional) A combination of one or more of FileOperationOptions enumeration values.
- *
Command Number Arguments Return value Remarks *
DeleteFile 125 (arg1) A path string or QColloction object that contains paths of files to delete.
(arg2)(optional) A combination of one or more of FileOperationOptions enumeration values.
- *
PasteToFolder 126 (arg1) A target folder path string. - Paste files and folders previously sent to Clipboard. *
WriteText 127 (arg1) A path string of the file to create or append text to.
(arg2) Text to write.
(arg3)(optional) TextFileModes enumeration to specify how to write or create a file.
(arg4)(optional)Encoding code page number value. UTF-8 is used if omitted. See MSDN
- *
EmptyRecycleBin 128 - - *
OrderTab 129 (arg1) TabOrdering enumeration to specify how ordering is done. Reverse if omitted.
(arg2)(optional) True then descending order.
(arg3)(optional) Target view of the command.
OpenFileDialog 130 (arg1)(optional) Filter string to filter file types. See MSDN.
(arg2)(optional) Title text.
(arg3)(optional) Initial folder path.
(arg4)(optional) DialogOptions value.
File path string that user selected. This can be QCollection object if Multiple is specified in arg4. *
SaveFileDialog 131 (arg1)(optional) Filter string to filter file types. See MSDN.
(arg2)(optional) Title text.
(arg3)(optional) Initial folder path.
(arg4)(optional) DialogOptions value.
File path string that user selected. *
FolderBrowserDialog 132 (arg1)(optional) Description text.
(arg2)(optional) Initial folder path.
(arg3)(optional) DialogOptions value.
Folder path string that user selected. *
EnsureItemVisible 133 (arg1) Index of a file item to set visible. -1 then the last item in the view.
(arg2)(optional) view where the item is displayed.
RenameMultiple 134 (arg1) A QCollection object that contains paths to be renamed. This can be a doble-quoted and space-separated text string like "c:\abc.txt" "c:\def.txt".
(arg2) list of new names. A QCollection object or doble-quoted and space-separated names. If omitted, QTTabBar tries to use names in the Clipboard. In this case, Clipboard needs to contain new names in each line (CRLF).
(arg3)(optional) FileOperations values.
Returns true if successfully renamed.
SetExtraViewSize 135 (arg1) New size of Extra View. The meaning of this value depends on the arg3.
(arg2)(optional) Specifies which Extra View size is to be changed. 0 Width of Left. 1 Height of Bottom.
(arg3)(optional) Specifies the meaning of arg1. 0 Size in pixel. 1 Percentage of Explorer window size. 0-100.
- *
GetIconSize 136 (arg1) Target view of the command. Icon size in pixel. 1030- *
SetIconSize 137 (arg1) Icon size in pixel.
(arg2) Target view of the command.
Pixel value if successful. 1030- *
GetCommandName 138 (arg1) Number or name of a ScriptingCommand. Name if defined. 1030- *
GetVersion 139 - Version string of QTTabBar. 1030- *
GetPluginLibVersion 140 - Version string of plugin library. 1030- *
GetColumnWidth 141 (arg1) String to specify the column to get its size, or index value in the current columns (0 based).
(arg2) Target view of the command.
Width of column in pixel. 1030-. Columns can be specified by the canonical names (e.g. "System.ItemNameDisplay") or localized names (e.g. "Name").
SetColumnWidth 142 (arg1) String to specify the column to set its size, or index value in the current columns (0 based). -1 to set width of all columns at once.
(arg2) Column width in pixel. -1 to set defalt; -2 to set autosize.
(arg3) Target view of the command.
- 1030-
ClearPreviewCache 143 - - Clear preview cache and free memory.
ScrollView 144 (arg1) upward if True, downward otherwise.
(arg2) Horizontally if True, vertically otherwise.
(arg3) Target view of the command.
True if more scrolling possible. 1030-
GetSystemDpi 145 - Current system dpi value. 1036- *
GetWindowDpi 146 (arg1)(optional) A Window object. Active window if omitted. Dpi of the monitor where the window is displayed. 1036-
GetDpiFromPoint 147 (arg1)X position. (arg2)Y position in screen. Dpi of the monitor specified by the position. 1036- *
The followings are the equivalents of menu bar commands.
Delete 28689 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Cut 28696 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Copy 28697 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Paste 28698 (optional) Target view of the command. -
PasteShortcut 28700 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Undo 28699 - -
Redo 28704 - -
StartRename 28690 - -
Properties 28691 (optional) Target view of the command. -
SelectAll 28705 (optional) Target view of the command. -
InvertSelection 28706 (optional) Target view of the command. -
HideFileName 28727 - -
CreateShortcut 28688 (optional) Target view of the command. -
CopyToFolder 28702 (optional) Target view of the command. -
MoveToFolder 28703 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Details 28747 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Tiles 28748 (optional) Target view of the command. -
ExtraLargeIcon 28749 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Icon 28750 (optional) Target view of the command. -
LargeIcon 28751 (optional) Target view of the command. -
SmallIcon 28752 (optional) Target view of the command. -
List 28753 (optional) Target view of the command. -
Contents 28754 (optional) Target view of the command. -
ExpandAllGroups 28755 - -
CollapseAllGroups 28756 - -
AutoArrange 28785 - -
AlignToGrid 28788 - -
CustomizeThisFolder 28722 - -
ChooseDetails 28723 - -
Refresh 28931 (optional) Target view of the command. -
ViewGroupByNone 30210 - -
ViewGroupAscending 30208 - -
ViewGroupDescending 30209 - -
OrderAscending 31488 - -
OrderDescending 31489 - -
MapNetworkDrive 41089 - -
DisconnectNetworkDrive 41090 - -
ShowSynchCenter 41096 - -
FolderOptions 41251 - -
ToggleToolbarLock 41484 - -
ToggleStatusBar 41474 - -
GenuineWindows 41220 - - Learn how to tell whether your Microsoft software and hardware are genuine!
OSVersion 41218 - -

WindowState enumeration
Normal 0
Minimized 1
Maximized 2
HorizontallyMaximized 3
MinimizedToTaskTray 4

FocusableWindow enumeration
FolderView 0 Folder View
Tree 1 Naigation Pane
Tab 2 Tab Bar
VerticalBar 3 Vertical Command Bar
SearchBar 4 Explorer Search Box
FilterBox 5 Button Bar Filter Box
AddressBar 6 Explorere Address Bar
SecondView 7 Bottom Extra View
ThirdView 8 Left Extra View

Toolbar enumeration
TabBar 0 Tab Bar in the top
CommandBar1 1 Horizontal Command Bar 1
CommandBar2 2 Horizontal Command Bar 2
CommandBarVertical 3 Vertical Command Bar
MenuBar 4 Menu Bar of explorer
StatusBar 5 Status Bar of explorer
BottomTabBar 6 Tab Bar in the bottom
SecondViewBar 8 Bottom extra view bar (alias:ExtraViewBottom)
ThirdViewBar 9 Left extra view bar (alias:ExtraViewLeft)

WindowStyle enumeration
HIDE 0 Hides the window and activates another window.
SHOWNORMAL 1 Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time.
SHOWMINIMIZED 2 Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.
SHOWMAXIMIZED 3 Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
SHOWNOACTIVATE 4 Displays a window in its most recent size and position. This value is similar to SW_SHOWNORMAL, except that the window is not activated.
SHOW 5 Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.
MINIMIZE 6 Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order.
SHOWMINNOACTIVE 7 Displays the window as a minimized window. This value is similar to SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, except the window is not activated.
SHOWNA 8 Displays the window in its current size and position. This value is similar to SW_SHOW, except that the window is not activated.
RESTORE 9 Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window.
SHOWDEFAULT 10 Sets the show-state based on the state of the program that started the application.

FolderViewMode enumeration
ExtraLargeIcon 0
LargeIcon 1
Icon 2
SmallIcon 3
List 4
Details 5
Tile 6
Content 7

MessageBoxButton enumeration
OK 0 The message box contains an OK button.
OKCancel 1 The message box contains OK and Cancel buttons.
AbortRetryIgnore 2 The message box contains Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
YesNoCancel 3 The message box contains Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
YesNo 4 The message box contains Yes and No buttons.
RetryCancel 5 The message box contains Retry and Cancel buttons.

MessageBoxIcon enumeration
None 0 The message box contain no symbols.
Error 16 The message box contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background. (Hand, Stop)
Question 32 The message box contains a symbol consisting of a question mark in a circle.
Warning 48 The message box contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background. (Exclamation)
Information 64 The message box contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle. (Asterisk)

DialogResult enumeration
None 0
OK 1
Cancel 2
Abort 3
Retry 4
Ignore 5
Yes 6
No 7

FileOperations enumeration
Default 0
NoOpForIfCollision 1
NoOpForReadOnly 2

SystemSound enumeration
Beep 0
Asterisk 1
Error 2
Question 3
Exclamation 4

ShellMRU enumeration
Run 1 Run in start menu
TypedPath 2 Address bar
SearchBar 3 Search bar
StartMenuRecentItems 4
StartMenuRecentPrograms 5

ModifierKeys enumeration
Control 1
Shift 2
Alt 4

View enumeration
Other -3 Opposite view from focused.
Priority -2 View with priority.
None -1 No view specified.
Default 0 Default view. (alias: "Right", "R")
Bottom 1 Bottom Extra View (alias: "B")
Left 2 Left Extra View (alias: "L")

ViewSynchronizationLevel enumeration
None 0 No synchronization.
Scroll 1 View scrolling is under synchronization.
Navigation 2 Other views are automatically navigated to a folder with the same name if exists.

TextFileModes enumeration
Default 0 -
SingleLine 1 Do not append a new line character at the end.
Overwrite 2 Recreate the text file.
EnsureNew 4 Do nothing if the file already exists.
NoCreate 8 Do nothing if the file doesn't exist.
NoBOM 16 Do not add byte order mark to the utf-8 encoded file when a new file is created.
Silent 32 No error dialogs.

TabOrdering enumeration
Reverse 0
Name 1
Path 2
Activation 3

FileOperationOptions enumeration
Normal 0
Nuke 1
Silent 2
CopyCreationTime 16
NoCopyCreationTime 32

DialogOptions enumeration
Multiple 0 (OpenFileDialog)
NoCheckFileExists 1 (OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog)
NoCheckPathExists 2 (OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog)
NoOverwirtePrompt 8 (SaveFileDialog)
NoShowNewFolderButton 16 (FolderBrowserDialog)